Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Car Raid

Who: Riley Hart
Model: Nissan Ultima

Riley Hart's car is overall pretty neat. The windows are clean and the car doesn't have dirt on it, but there are a few random things here and there.

"I normally like to keep it pretty clean, but sometimes I get busy and don't have time to take stuff out",  Hart said.

She mostly drives her car to school and extracurriculars.

"I've never driven out of the city in it, I'm not experienced enough to take a road trip," said Hart.

The car was originally her sister's before she went to college and got a new one.

"I don't really like the car because it's small, but it gets the job done," said Hart.

She has a dream catcher hanging from the mirror and has parking tags to both the Hays ACC campus and the Bowie parking sticker on her car. She is a junior at Bowie and took ACC history of the summer.

"Hays is probably the farthest place I've driven it", said Hart.

She keeps a frisbee in her car because she likes to attend the Bowie Band frisbee Fridays.

"We all get together at different parks and play ultimate firs bee for a few hours every Friday after school", said Hart.

She has played in band since 6th grade and is in marching band.

"During August, when we have practice three times a day, my car gets pretty messy. The fast food bags, clothes, snacks, and water bottles pretty much pile up in the back seat", said Hart.

During these practices, she gives a lot of friends a ride home.

"I take the lower-classmen home sometime because they can't drive themselves. It can be really stressful for parents to drive to Burger stadium 6 times a day."

Bowie band must use Burger stadium because there is no football stadium at the school.

"Having practice at Burger causes me to eat more fast food on the way to or from practice and use ore gas because it's farther aaa."

Despite it all, Riley enjoys her car and is thankful to have it.

"I'm glad I have a car, it make seeing in marching band less stressful on m family and allows me to have a more elaborate social life because I don't have to rely on my parents for rides everywhere", said Hart.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Merger Preview

1.  The moving leaves could be a problem.
2. Against a wall on campus or inside the building itself would e a good backdrop for the photos.
3. You could spell out YMCA or something.
4. Not a skirt and my hair up so that it doesn't blow around.


Iphone Photography

1. My favorite picture is the one of the dog in the car.
2. No
3. I think the use of editing apps enhanced and impacted the images a lot.
4.  -Use the editing tools on your phone to make your images better
     -Focus on finding good lighting and interesting subjects.