Friday, November 13, 2015

Self Portrait and Portraits Part 1

I like the use of the rule of thirds and the location of this image. 

I like this picture because the photographer used a unique method of framing the subject by making her seem small, and then creates a haunting mood using the environment. 


I Like this Picture because of the way the lines frame the subject and the color hue. 

I like this picture because of the use of black and white and the emotion captured on the subject.

I like this picture because of the muted color tones and the emotion that the photographer captured.

I like this picture because of how the white background contrasts the bold colors of the subject and the light streak across her face.

  1. Break the rules of composition, experiment with lighting, and frame your subject. 
  2. I will take pictures of my sister in my house or in the woods behind myself. I will use creativity and the tips I learned today to shoot successful portraits. I will try to capture emotion and the beauty of the environment and the subject. My sister currently has a disability and is in a wheelchair because of her surgery, so I might use that t o my advantage and create a story or a haunting image like the photographer that took pictures of his wife with cancer that we viewed today did. I will use the rules of photography. like framing and simplicity, probably rule of thirds as well, to make my image high quality. 

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