Monday, April 11, 2016

Huntington Story

At 10 p.m on Wednesday night, 53 year old Janice Jones was shot in the leg when her handgun was knocked off the table by her dog  in her home in Barstow, California. 
The handgun was knocked off the table by her dog during dinner. Both Jones and her dog were treated in hospital care. Jones did not have a permit for the gun, leading to conversation about her multiple past charges.
The bullet was fired when the handgun hit the ground, hitting Jones in the leg and hitting her car.
"It could have been worse. The bullet hit two inches from the gas tank," said California Highway Patrol press liaison Tammy Rye. 
Jones's dog was placed in care for the Huntington Beach Animal Control Office for malnutrition and cigarette burns. 
"It could have done with a little less abuse and a few more of those pork chops," said animal control Officer Janet Ngo.
Jones has been cited for expired plates, and the county attorney's office is debating on whether to charge her for this gun incident, in addition to investigating animal abuse charges.
"Jones doesn't have a permit for the gun," said Rye. 

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