Monday, March 28, 2016

School Uniforms

1.  A teacher, a principal, a student.

1. What is your opinion on the school uniforms and why?
2. What do you think is the purpose of having school uniforms?
3. In what ways have uniforms improved the classroom environment?
4. What are the negative effects of school uniforms?
5. How do you think the policy should change?
6. How are school uniforms impacting the focus of the students?
7. What is the current uniform policy?
8. How do you see the policy changing in the next 5 years?
9. How have students reacted to the new policy?
10. How have parents reacted to the new policy?
11. How has the new uniform policy personally impacted your life at school?
12. How do you think the new uniform will limit the self-expression of students?
13. How do you think the new uniform will reduce bullying or hate-crimes?
14. Do you think he new policy has fair restrictions in both women and men's clothing? Why?
15. How will uniforms be distributed to those who can't afford it?
16. What has been the dress code policy in the past?
17. Has there been any rebellion to the uniforms? In what ways?
18. How will the policy be enforced?
19. How will students and staff be informed about the policy?
20. What are the consequences for not following the policy?

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