Monday, March 28, 2016

My First Interview

1. What was your reaction when you found out you were student of the month?
He was happy because it was hard to get.
2. What do you think makes you an extraordinary student?
Tries his best, cares about his grades a lot
3. How do you apply yourself outside of school?
In a lot of clubs
4. How do you apply yourself in class?
helps teacher
5. Why do you think the teacher chose you?
good student
6. How do you compare to the past students of the month?
they all care about their grades and how we look academically 
7. How has this impacted the way classmates treat you?
look up to me as a leader
8. How has this impacted the way faculty behave towards you?
treat me with more respect
9. What are the positive effects of being student of the month?
help when applying to colleges
10. What are the negative effects of being student of the month?
people can think you're stuck up.
11. How did your parents react when they found out you were student of the month?
excited for me because it's hard to get
12. How did you find out you were student of the month?
the loud-speaker announced it
13. How do you feel about being student of the month?
likes it because it has its perks
14. How has your attitude about the award changed from before to after you won it?
Before: thought it was too hard to get
After: not as hard as it seemed
15. How has you attitude about the award from you initial reaction to now?
more calm but still happy
16. How do you balance extra-curriculars and school work?
as soon as I get home, I start my homework and try to be as efficient as possible
17. What are your strengths in the classroom?
stay focused
18. What are you strengths in extra-curriculars?
good leader
19. What are your weaknesses in the classroom?
talk too much
20. What are your weaknesses in extra-curriculars?
talk too much

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