Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Ethics of Digital Manipulation

This type of editing has been done amy times in newspapers and magazines across the world. Many have lost their job due to this improper behavior.
The most unethical digital editing done in this set of photos is the image where the two women are photoshopped out and replaced with men. A newspaper in Israel removed the two female members of the cabinet from the image. I think this action was sexist and unreasonable. It should not have been done because it displayed incorrect information and was disrespectful to the women in the image.
The image I think was least unethical was the image where the worker appears to have four hands. The oil worker was distorted and he appears to have two sets of hands and one of the pipes is distorted, due to sloppy use of the clone tool. This isn't that bad, considering that no facts were altered and it is not derogatory to any person or group of people.
The image of with the added rocket is unacceptable because it is a lie to the public. In this image,, a rocket is added into the background, increasing the number from the original photo. Because there were only three rockets instead of the amount in the image, the reader is told information that is not true, and it is the journalist's job to report facts to the audience. It is unethical because there is no reason to not display the correct information and it was right to fire the photographer.
The last image is of a greeting between two men where a group of people in the background, one of them being an important politician, was cropped out. I think this is unethical because it distorts the facts of the event and is disrespectful to the people cropped out. Because it is an image of a political event, this creates political turmoil and displays the opinions of the journalist. The journalist's opinion should not have been shown, only the facts of what happened because that is his job. I think the image should not have been altered to correctly demonstrate. In summary, this type of photoshop is unethical because it distorts the facts and the readers are told false and misleading information.

I think this is the most unethical photo in this group of images. I think it is disrespectful to Oprah and shows readers that you have to have a certain body type to be on the front of a magazine, no matter how successful or smart you are. This shows the shallow opinions and morals of the photographer and staff at the magazine company that felt it was a necessity to do this to the image.

I think this image of the pyramids is leaf unethical out of this group of images. It is not displaying a disrespectful moral value or distorting facts. The editing was simply done to force the image to cooperate with the amount of space available. This is a manipulation to make the image more appealing to the reader and improve the composition, not alter the facts. This editing was not done in a derogatory way, but just to improve the image. 

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