Monday, September 21, 2015

Post-Shoot Reflection

  1. The challenges I encountered were mostly creative ones, a lack of ideas of what to shoot. I shot a lot of different things, but attempting to incorporate the rules of composition were a challenge that was on my mind for the entire shoot. Since I was shooting by myself, I did not have another person to act as my subject and had to manufacture my own. 
  2. I was constantly thinking of ways to incorporate the rules of photography, framing especially. For several shots, I took both horizontal and vertical shots because I couldn't decide which version would be better. I used a lot of different elements to attempt good framing, like leaves or poles. 
  3. I would spend more time making interesting shots for the "Bowie" prompt if I could do the assignment again. I would also choose a flower with less crooked leaves. 
  4. I would use the same metal image because I really like the use of diagnose and I would probably use the same Square image because I like the arming, however, I would try to focus the camera more to make the hose less blurry. I would use the same efforts in framing and I like the ways that I used lines in some of my photos. 
6. I would like to shoot the metal prompt again because there are a lot of interesting possible shots on campus and metal can be used well for the lines ad framing rules of composition.

Click here to see my comment on Becca's blog

Becca's photos are very interesting and incorporate the rules of composition very eel. She clearly demonstrated a great interpretation of the prompt. However, she could have made her background simpler on the Bowie picture and used better framing in her images overall. 

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