Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Academic Shoot Preview Part 2

My favorite picture is of the boy holding mixing two bottles of material into a larger flask. This picture shows good balance ad simplicity in the background and the use of a bottle in each hand. The subject is very unclose and focused, with a completely blurred out background, giving the image a simple background and eliminating distractions. I picked this picture because the chemicals look cool when mixed, it displays the rules of composition well, and it is a very good and interesting picture overall.

  1. I could take pictures like the ones I viewed today in any classroom. The trick to getting a good picture is applying the rules of composition and making a boring subject interesting. There may not be anything interesting happening in the classrooms I visit, but as a journalist, it is my job to document exact what is happening and doing it well.
  2. I would like to take pictures in a culinary class, a science class, or any other classroom that is doing something besides taking notes. 
  3. As the photographer, I will apply the rules of composition when taking photos to take good ones. I will try to capture an interesting subject, or attempt to use my artistic and photographic abilities to make them interesting. 

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