Wednesday, September 2, 2015

I like the framing of this picture and how the subject is in focus, but everything else is slightly blurry. I also like how vibrant the colors are. I chose this photo because it captures the beauty of the flower and is appealing to look at. I decided to take a picture of the this flower because I had something like this imagined in my mind, and I am pleased with the outcome. I think the colors and subject make this image a good picture. 

I like this photo because the pops of color of her jewelry make the photo interesting and create a contrast. I think this photo is a good one because of the "opening of doors" that symbolizes my first day of high school, the unique angle of the shot, and the interesting color palette. I chose this one because it is creative. This picture goes into a figurative mindset of my first day of high school rather than a literal object, but still manages to capture the whole idea and match the prompt. 

Picture including a teammate

Free Choice

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