Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Academic Shoot Preview Part 1

The Story
This picture shows an interesting story. The emotions in the subjects' faces illustrate the exciting and surprising thrill of the experiment. The photographer captured the reaction or the explosion of the experiment, whether the event was purposeful or a malfunction. I think the story was of the two girls correctly composing the chemicals or following through with the directions of the experiment in order to create this exciting eruption. By capturing the material in the air, the photographer shows the most exciting part of the story. 

Action and Emotion
This image portrays a fun and humorous mood through the actions of the subjects. The kids and the teachers a joking around and showing their personal relationships, showing that the teachers and the students this school have friend to friend relationships more than teacher to student interaction. The teacher and the students are happy, fun, and playful. 

Filling the Frame 
The photographer of this image did an excellent job of completely filling the photo. There are a lot of people in this one image, showing how many volunteers care and how many people needed their help. By putting the two lines of people on the sides of the picture, the natural diagonal lines creating by distance allows the entire photo to be filled with people and still keep the two main subjects emphasized. 

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