Thursday, October 29, 2015



1. I think these pictures are incredibly beautiful and capture the majesty of an environment most humans will never see for themselves. The animals in these pictures are being tragically killed and I think beautifying them and showing people that they're important will help save them. I am interested in how he does not use a telephoto lens, and puts his life at risk to really make his pictures into art.
3. This picture is my favorite because it illustrates the ivory trade in a haunting way. The men are anguished, showing the harsh working conditions and the size of the tusks puts the massive size of elephants into perspective. The dismal color of the image displays the grave tone the photographer has toward poaching. 
4. The rule of thirds is present by putting the horizon and the men in a third of the image instead of the center. 
5.  Nick Brandt uses a Pentax 67II camera with two fixed lenses. This will determine how he can take the pictures and how they will look. He does not use a telephoto lens because he wants to capture the personality of the animals. 
6. He takes these pictures because he wants to demonstrate the effects of environmental problems and poaching and expose the beauty of the nature in Africa. 
7. He hopes to convince people that theses animals have a right to live and to inspire changes in poaching control.
8. My images are unashamedly idyllic and romantic, a kind of enchanted Africa. They're my my elegy to a world that is steadily, tragically vanishing. 

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