Friday, October 9, 2015

Academic Shoot

1. I followed rule of thirds and the use of lines. 
2. The subject of this photo is the hand, but it could be interpreted to the body in the drawing becoming the subject.
3. It is not very clear what the subject is in this picture.
4. To make this more clear, I could have featured more of the hand in the picture, instead of only having a 2/3 of it shown.

1. I followed the rule of thirds, balance, lines, and simplicity in this image.
2. The subject of the photo is the girl working at the table.
3. I think it is very clear what the subject of this image is. 

1. I did not follow any of our rules of composition with this photo, but I liked the subject of it enough to decide to post it.
2. The subject of the photo is the coach and the student he is helping.
3. I think the subject is displayed clearly and it is not difficult to decide what it is.

1. I followed framing, simplicity, and rule of thirds.
2. The subject of this photo is the girl sitting on the ground working.
3. I think it is easy to decipher who the subject of this image is. 


  1. I really like all your ideas and your pictures. They certainly were better than mine. I honestly have no criticism.

  2. All of these images are great! i really like how you got the subjects so clearly.
