Friday, October 9, 2015

Post-Shoot Reflection // Academic

  1. It was challenging to get an interesting and unique photo when most of the classrooms were doing almost the same things. Also, with a class this size, a lot of the classrooms I went to already had a photographer in them and did not want another. I encountered the struggle of having people purposefully get in my picture making a funny face or something, even though I was attempting to get a serious photo. 
  2. I think the most about rule of thirds and framing. My picture of the girl leaning against the red pole displays both of these. I also think about angles a lot, which are an easy way to make the image more interesting. The picture of the student working in the library shows this.
  3. I would try to incorporate the guidelines of framing and balance into my photography.
  4. I will use the same attention to subject placement, angles, and lines as I already did.
  5. I think the easiest rule to achieve is rule of thirds.
  6. I think the hardest rule to capture is framing and simplicity because those often require a specific environment in order to achieve them.
  7. I think I am clear on the rules and have a good understanding of them. If I could work on one more, it would be framing.

  1. Her use of the rules of composition is very good.
  2. Her pictures are interesting and creative.
Could be improved: 
  1. She could improve her framing.

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