Thursday, October 29, 2015

Abandoned Amusement Parks

1. I would like to visit Takakanonuma Greenland in Hobara, Japan because of the massive forest growing around it and the way nature has grown into the buildings. Most of the buildings are still standing, including several old wooden roller-coasters . There are bright colors on the buildings that have faded with time, but would make interesting unique features to my photographs. It is so far into the woods that it is no longer on the map, ad I thick finding the park alone would be a unique adventure with a lot of opportunities for photography.
3. I think photographing abandon factories and schools would be very interesting. Also, I would like to take my camera of Ghost towns, vacant roads, and unpopulated rivers and forests around mountanious areas. 
5.  I think documenting this location would be peaceful and thought-provoking. There is a world of things to photograph in this area, even if the average eye just sees a forest. I think it would send the message of the importance of preventing deforestation in the United States and the world. Getting lost with my camera and some headphones in this kind of nature is something I find incredibly desirable. 
6. I would need a compass, camping materials, extra batteries, rain/weather proofing, and other hiking equipment. The type of lens would vary depending on what I am shooting. Personally, I would take my film camera and lenses because the pictures are more artistic and it allows me to do more physical photo manipulation (like double exposure) than digital does. 

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