Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Car Raid

Who: Riley Hart
Model: Nissan Ultima

Riley Hart's car is overall pretty neat. The windows are clean and the car doesn't have dirt on it, but there are a few random things here and there.

"I normally like to keep it pretty clean, but sometimes I get busy and don't have time to take stuff out",  Hart said.

She mostly drives her car to school and extracurriculars.

"I've never driven out of the city in it, I'm not experienced enough to take a road trip," said Hart.

The car was originally her sister's before she went to college and got a new one.

"I don't really like the car because it's small, but it gets the job done," said Hart.

She has a dream catcher hanging from the mirror and has parking tags to both the Hays ACC campus and the Bowie parking sticker on her car. She is a junior at Bowie and took ACC history of the summer.

"Hays is probably the farthest place I've driven it", said Hart.

She keeps a frisbee in her car because she likes to attend the Bowie Band frisbee Fridays.

"We all get together at different parks and play ultimate firs bee for a few hours every Friday after school", said Hart.

She has played in band since 6th grade and is in marching band.

"During August, when we have practice three times a day, my car gets pretty messy. The fast food bags, clothes, snacks, and water bottles pretty much pile up in the back seat", said Hart.

During these practices, she gives a lot of friends a ride home.

"I take the lower-classmen home sometime because they can't drive themselves. It can be really stressful for parents to drive to Burger stadium 6 times a day."

Bowie band must use Burger stadium because there is no football stadium at the school.

"Having practice at Burger causes me to eat more fast food on the way to or from practice and use ore gas because it's farther aaa."

Despite it all, Riley enjoys her car and is thankful to have it.

"I'm glad I have a car, it make seeing in marching band less stressful on m family and allows me to have a more elaborate social life because I don't have to rely on my parents for rides everywhere", said Hart.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Merger Preview

1.  The moving leaves could be a problem.
2. Against a wall on campus or inside the building itself would e a good backdrop for the photos.
3. You could spell out YMCA or something.
4. Not a skirt and my hair up so that it doesn't blow around.


Iphone Photography

1. My favorite picture is the one of the dog in the car.
2. No
3. I think the use of editing apps enhanced and impacted the images a lot.
4.  -Use the editing tools on your phone to make your images better
     -Focus on finding good lighting and interesting subjects.

Friday, April 29, 2016

HDR Photography

1. At the most basic level, an HDR photo is just multiple photos taken at different exposure levels and then mashed together with software to create a better picture.
2. A tripod, a camera with an Auto Exposure Bracketing function, and an HDR blending software. 
3. Any photographer wanting to capture a scene with really dark and really light areas will ant to use HDR photography.
4. Details that are really dark or really light in an image will be seen better using HDR photography.



Finals Project Warm-up

1) I'll shoot this assignment in he next two weeks.
2) I will shoot Kindness Day on the Bowie campus.
3) I will tell the story of Bowie Kindness day and the work that went into it.
4)I have all of the equipment I will need.
5) I will narrate most of the video. My pictures and short video segments will be mice throughout the project.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Final Preview

1.  They narrator explained the basic of creating a project. She addressed how to start a new project and what type of file is best for what type of camera you used. She explained how to load clips and photos. The other video I watched went into more detail about timing and placing clips.

She also explained editing. She demonstrated how to shorten and split clips. She showed us where the different buttons were and what they each do. She moved clips in and out of the storage area. The second video showed how to effectively transport narration and time it appropriately with the clips.

She then showed us how to use effects. She detailed some specific effects, like the lightning strikes, and how to change those. She used some transitions as well. The other video didn't show any of the specific effects offered by iMovie, but went more into detail about how to create a basic video.

2. I didn't know anything about iMovie before this.
3. I learned how to upload clips and pictures into iMovie.
4. I'm not really concerned about his final because I should be exempt because of my attendance.
5. I can complete a story about Kindness day or a concert on time.
6. I will either shoot Kindness Day or the Griswolds concert.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Opinions Writing

In the next print of twenty dollar bills, the United States Treasury voted to replace Andrew Jackson with Harriet Tubman. 

Instead of their previous plan to switch Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill with another influential woman, Jackson was voted to be removed. Some sources claim that the popularity of the Broadway show Hamilton, written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, attributed to this. 

An astonishing feat in female and racial equality, Harriet Tubman will be the first African American in history and the first female in over a century to appear on American currency. 

Andrew Jackson will remain on the back of the $20 bill, incorporated into the image of the white house. Placing a freed slave and a former slave owner is a revolting decision that is offensive to the memory of Harriet Tubman. 

Some citizens claim that Andrew Jackson was influential for his formation of the democratic party- ignoring his instigation of a genocide and the corruption that plagued his presidency. 

Harriet Tubman, a freed slave and activist, replacing Jackson illustrates the growth and prosperity this nation has made in the name of equality. 

I am a strong feminist and encourage putting more influential women on our bills. After centuries of male dominance, Tubman's placement demonstrates that women are emerging as equals, yet still have many steps to climb before being on the same level as men. 

The modern beliefs of our nation contradict the past honor of corrupt early presidents, whereas heroes that strived for equality are timeless idols. 

Harriet Tubman replacing Jackson illustrates that those who fought to make all people equal triumphed over those who oppressed and tormented an entire race for centuries. 

Tubman receives an earned glory in history and the hearts of this nation- placing the prejudice of Andrew Jackson off the high pedestal and into the past where it belongs.  

The $5 and $10 bills will also be redesigned to feature more women and influential civil rights activists, including Sojourner Truth, Dr. Martin Luther Kind Jr., and Elizabeth Cady Stanton. 

Depicting Harriet Tubman, a female anti-slavery activist, on the $20 bill is a step in the right direction for achieving equality for people of all races and genders. However, letting Andrew Jackson, former slave owner and instigator of a genocide, remain on the bill is an offensive outrage. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

SNO High Schools

The FeatherDuster at Westlake
1. Cullen Lowder
2. Advice for a good concert experience
3. "Knowing your setting will let you know how to prepare appropriately."
4. Yes
5. No, they explained only their side.
6. Yes
7. 1st

1. Conor O'Bryon
2. Opinion on the 2016 elections
3. "There really are just five candidates left in the race for president, yet none are entirely satisfactory."
4. Yes
5. No, they explained both arguments clearly.
6. Yes
7. 1st

Lake Travis

1.  Bailey Wright
2. How classes aren't applicable to daily life
3. "I wasn't taught how to perform essential life skills within school"
4. Yes
5. Yes, they explained hypothetical situations
6. No
7. 1st

1. Jude Benham
2. The effect of political parties in Education
3. "Politcal Parties will lead to the death of education"
4. No
5. No, they used hard facts.
6. Yes
7. 1st

1. Griselda Maya
2. A photo of privileged white girls wearing a racial slur went viral
3. "The effect of the photo is far beyond the feelings of students, it extends to the healing and progress our negation has made."
4. Yes
5. No, they did not use hypothetical situations.
6. No
7. 3rd

1. Sumin Son
2. Finding purpose in stressful times
3. "The reason we are able to do the impossible is because of our persistence and stubbornness.
4. No
5. Yes, he addresses hypothetical situations
6. No
7. 3rd

Personal Essays

1. I can write about anything that I care enough about to write an essay on.
2. Details make readers interested, but generalizations bore them.

  • Keep it personal while relating to a wider world
  • Write as evocatively as possible
  • The reader should understand why you feel the way you do

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Opinions Writing Preview Activity

  1. Not listed
  2. The FBI can now access private information through Apple devices.
  3. "Now that the FBI says they can do it, we call for action and legislation to make sure they only do this in the correct way and only with the approval from the courts and not just they suspect something."
  4. No
  5. No, they explained the situation and only explained their point of view in the Editor's note.
  6. no
  7. 3rd in the story and 1st in the editor's note

  1. Granger Coats
  2. he drug dog investigations at Bowie and its effects of student's rights
  3. "An institution intended to enrich and better the lives of students should never detract from that role when punishing students, especially with the assisted use of police as school disciplinarians."
  4. Yes
  5. No, "the current rules and handling of student offenses is flawed."
  6. Yes
  7. 1st

  1. Alicia Molina
  2. a social media craze about Daniel's vans
  3. "I think that it's great that people are using their fame for good and they are not keeping it all to themselves."
  4. No
  5. No, they were very straight-forward.
  6. Yes
  7. 1st

  1. Fuaad Ajaz
  2. The outrage from Beyonce's activist art
  3. "Sadly this is true in today's world."
  4. Yes
  5. No, their opinion is only conveyed through diction, does not explain much
  6. Yes
  7. 3rd

  1. Mia Barbosa
  2. The AP World History Test
  3. "I think that the test is a great sway for students to get ahead in the competitive race for college"
  4. Yes
  5. No, "She wants justice, and she wants everyone to have the same rights."
  6. Yes
  7. 3rd

  1. A hard news story is not in first person and doesn't explain an opinion. There are always quotes in a hard news story but no always in a commentary piece. 
  2. Most of these are opinions about worldwide or large-scale issues that we do not have the power to photograph as a high school news team. They are not documenting an event, but discussing an issue. 
  3.  -Do you think there should be FIT everyday next year?
           -Harriet Tubman or Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill

           -Opinion on listening to music in class.


Peer Review SoM

Paragraph: 50
Quotes: 20
Inverted Pyramid: 25
Total: 95

Monday, April 11, 2016

Earthquake Story

At 8:12 a.m. PDT on Monday morning, the San Francisco Bay was rocked by an earthquake. Many people were injured and buildings were damaged.
Unexpecting civilians had their lives turned upside down when their homes and businesses collapsed. Local heroes assessed the damage and saved lives.
Two people died and 6 were injured in the partial collapse of McHenry's Auto Supply on Plum Street.
"Names of the dead are being withheld pending notifications of families," said Hayward Fire Department public information officer Jennifer Vu.
Civilians around the neighborhood felt the surprising quake.
"I was eating my breakfast when the room started rolling. I dove under my table just as I heard the explosion outside and a chunk of cement flew through my kitchen window," said Hayward resident Mike Beamer.
The epicenter of the earthquake, which had a 6.4 magnitude on the Richter scale, was under Hayward Hills.
"It occurred on the Hayward Fault, which is under the Hayward Hills," said scientist from U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park Penny Gertz.
Many rescue teams arrived at the scene to help.
"Twenty-one fire personnel, 12 police, and five American Red Cross workers responded to the building collapse," said Vu.
Total, 2 people died and 6 were injured in the earthquake.
"Three of the six people injured were hurt seriously enough to require hospitalization and were transported to Hayward General Hospital. No other serious injuries have been reported in Hayward," said Vu.
The strong earthquake centered in Hayward effected the hundreds of people in surrounding areas.
"People as far south as Los Angeles and as far north as Redding felt the quake," said Gertz.

Huntington Story

At 10 p.m on Wednesday night, 53 year old Janice Jones was shot in the leg when her handgun was knocked off the table by her dog  in her home in Barstow, California. 
The handgun was knocked off the table by her dog during dinner. Both Jones and her dog were treated in hospital care. Jones did not have a permit for the gun, leading to conversation about her multiple past charges.
The bullet was fired when the handgun hit the ground, hitting Jones in the leg and hitting her car.
"It could have been worse. The bullet hit two inches from the gas tank," said California Highway Patrol press liaison Tammy Rye. 
Jones's dog was placed in care for the Huntington Beach Animal Control Office for malnutrition and cigarette burns. 
"It could have done with a little less abuse and a few more of those pork chops," said animal control Officer Janet Ngo.
Jones has been cited for expired plates, and the county attorney's office is debating on whether to charge her for this gun incident, in addition to investigating animal abuse charges.
"Jones doesn't have a permit for the gun," said Rye. 


I chose this article because it happened yesterday. The numbers are not final and the damage is still being assessed for this tragic event.

"Fire kills more than 100 at temple in India"

   NEW DELHI — An unauthorized fireworks show at a temple in the southern Indian state of Kerala Sunday sparked a fire that killed at least 106 people and injured more than 300, officials said. 


i chose this article because the information found could impact millions of people. The potential of new information about the Bible could effect the way people all over the world worship their God.

"New Evidence on When the Bible Was Written: Ancient Shopping Lists"


This article shows impact because it effects the everyday people in Europe. The topic addressed by the article could affect many aspects of the economic and political lives of Europeans.

"The New Europeans"

Human Interest

I think this article illustrates human interest because it is about an emotional event. The soldier's death can be personal to some people and emotionally interesting for many others.

Marine's Death Shows a Quietly Expanding U.S. Role in Iraq


I think this article illustrates convict between two people because it's about the presidential election. The article details the rivalry between delegates and how they're campaign is affecting one another's.

"Delegate paths baffle, angers voters"

 For decades, both major parties have used a somewhat convoluted process for picking their nominees, one that involves ordinary voters in only an indirect way. As Americans flock this year to outsider candidates, the kind most hindered by these rules, they are suddenly waking up to this reality. And their confusion and anger are adding another volatile element to an election being waged over questions of fairness and equality. 


I think this article illustrates novelty because it is an interesting event. The people that participate are often dressed in costume and there are a lot of unique Austin gratis in this race.

"annual race draws thousands-candy included"

 Runner Sutton Stevens wears a large piñata costume as he runs up Congress Avenue on Sunday during the 39th annual Statesman Capital 10,000, which wound its way through the streets of downtown Austin. Former UT runner Austin Bussing won on his first try, and Allison Mendez repeated as women’s champion.


This article is about an effect on Austin schools. I think think qualifies as a proximity article because I am a student in an Austin school.

"White House talks helped shape Austin school vision"

"After a trip to the White House to advise the Obama administration on what the high school of the future ought to look like, longtime Central Texas school Principal Steven Zipkes has decided to come out of his brief retirement and build one..."

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Student of the Month Story

Who: Ryan Noser
What: Won Student of the Month competition
Where: James Bowie High School
When: April 2016
How: it was announced over the loud-speakers
Why: for working hard in academics and extra-curriculars, having good leadership skills, helping teachers, and surpassing his peers in excellence.

Students across James Bowie High School compete for the honor of being recognized as the Student of the Month. April's winner is Ryan Noser for working hard academically and in extra-curriculars, leading his peers, and helping teachers inside and outside of the classroom. His efforts were carefully compared to those of his peers through an application process, which included a required essay, nomination, and recommendation from a teacher, and the winner was deciphered by a team of teachers and staff.

Freshman Ryan Noser was recognized as the Student of the Month for April 2016.

"Ryan has aways demonstrated his intelligence, strong work ethic, and generous leadership inside and out of the classroom," said the teacher who nominated Noser for the award, Mrs. Dana Stiles.

Plenty of excitement and celebration surrounds the winner.

"There is a ceremony at the end of the year honoring all of the monthly winners. We eat treats and give them a plaque," said Bowie principal Mr. Kane.

Teachers nominate students who show greatness in academic duties and extra-curriculars.

"Ryan has always turned in assignments on time and gone the extra mile to make this school a better place," said Stiles.

The student of the month must balance extra-curriculars and academic work in order to be successful.

"As soon as I get home, I start on my homework and try to be as efficient as possible.", described Noser.

The student of the month receives school-wide popularity and honor.

"Faculty treats me with more respect and my classmates look up to me as a leader," said Noser.

There are many perks to being student of the month.

"After they win, their picture remains hung in the library for the rest of the year," said Kane.

The award can benefit the winner in the future as well.

"It can help me when I apply to colleges," said Noser.

Noser now joins the archive of accomplished students who have been awarded the honor of student of the month.

"I'm a lot calmer about it now than I was when I first got it, but I'm still very happy," said Noser.

Nut Graf

 Most nut grafs are a single paragraph long. It explains what the story is and why someone should want to read it. It gives the reader enough information about the story so they can decide if they want to keep reading it or not. A nut graf justifies the story, explains the lead, develops a transition from the lead, and often includes supporting material. The writer must anticipate the reader's questions and concerns and address them. It steps back from the detailed lead and describes an overview of the whole story. t serves as the lead for the highest level of the inverted pyramid.
        Many journalists believe the nut graf, or "nut paragraph" is the most important section of a story since it draws readers in and convinces them to read the full story.

Inverted Pyramid

Monday, March 28, 2016

My First Interview

1. What was your reaction when you found out you were student of the month?
He was happy because it was hard to get.
2. What do you think makes you an extraordinary student?
Tries his best, cares about his grades a lot
3. How do you apply yourself outside of school?
In a lot of clubs
4. How do you apply yourself in class?
helps teacher
5. Why do you think the teacher chose you?
good student
6. How do you compare to the past students of the month?
they all care about their grades and how we look academically 
7. How has this impacted the way classmates treat you?
look up to me as a leader
8. How has this impacted the way faculty behave towards you?
treat me with more respect
9. What are the positive effects of being student of the month?
help when applying to colleges
10. What are the negative effects of being student of the month?
people can think you're stuck up.
11. How did your parents react when they found out you were student of the month?
excited for me because it's hard to get
12. How did you find out you were student of the month?
the loud-speaker announced it
13. How do you feel about being student of the month?
likes it because it has its perks
14. How has your attitude about the award changed from before to after you won it?
Before: thought it was too hard to get
After: not as hard as it seemed
15. How has you attitude about the award from you initial reaction to now?
more calm but still happy
16. How do you balance extra-curriculars and school work?
as soon as I get home, I start my homework and try to be as efficient as possible
17. What are your strengths in the classroom?
stay focused
18. What are you strengths in extra-curriculars?
good leader
19. What are your weaknesses in the classroom?
talk too much
20. What are your weaknesses in extra-curriculars?
talk too much

School Uniforms

1.  A teacher, a principal, a student.

1. What is your opinion on the school uniforms and why?
2. What do you think is the purpose of having school uniforms?
3. In what ways have uniforms improved the classroom environment?
4. What are the negative effects of school uniforms?
5. How do you think the policy should change?
6. How are school uniforms impacting the focus of the students?
7. What is the current uniform policy?
8. How do you see the policy changing in the next 5 years?
9. How have students reacted to the new policy?
10. How have parents reacted to the new policy?
11. How has the new uniform policy personally impacted your life at school?
12. How do you think the new uniform will limit the self-expression of students?
13. How do you think the new uniform will reduce bullying or hate-crimes?
14. Do you think he new policy has fair restrictions in both women and men's clothing? Why?
15. How will uniforms be distributed to those who can't afford it?
16. What has been the dress code policy in the past?
17. Has there been any rebellion to the uniforms? In what ways?
18. How will the policy be enforced?
19. How will students and staff be informed about the policy?
20. What are the consequences for not following the policy?

Architecture Shoot






Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Action Shots

Haley runs at the camera. She wasn't wearing a bra, so she had to hold her tibbies.

Haley runs across the courtyard. Her teacher, Mr. Reeves, was on his way back to the classroom when he walked behind her.

Haley runs to the lunch table. She was really hungry and excited to finally eat.

Haley blinks rapidly. She had something in her eye. 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016


1.  Friedensreich Hundertwasser
2. 1990s
3. Darmstadt, Germany
4.  It is a residential building
5. No
6. Each window is unique and there are plants growing on the roof.
7. I picked this building because it is very unique. I like how each window is different and how the layers and curvy lines make the building ooh unbalanced. The greenery on the roof is good for the environment and helps reduce the deforestation the building may have caused when built.

1. Mosch Safdie
2. 1967
3. Montreal, Canada
4. You can visit
5. $140000 per unit, 364 units
6. The architect wanted to create urban, free homes with the economic logic of apartments.
7. I chose this building because it looks interesting. I like the scattered organization of it and it looks like city homes we could all have in the future. I think it is a very creative way to provide the connection to nature community homes have yet fit them all in a small space by building up and giving each apartment a good view. 

1. Tom Wright
2. 1999
3. Dubai, UAE
4. You can visit
5. 2 billion US dollars
6.  The architect wanted to symbolize the sail and give each room an ocean view
7.I chose this building because it looks like a sail in the wind. This is my favorite photo because it illustrates hoe massive the building is. The beaches are also very beautiful, making the views from the rooms in the building even better. I like how the white looks against the pretty beach. The inside is also magnificent and royal, it looks like a palace. 

1. Javier Sanosiain
2. 2006-2007
3. Naucalpan de Juarez, Mexico
4. You can visit
5. Not listed
6. Wanted to create an organic home using shapes found often in nature (snail shell).
7. I like this one because it looks like a Hobbit house. I like the rainbow colors and can imagine that it is quite beautiful when the sun shines through the stones. I like the shrubbery growing inside because it makes the house look like it comes right out of the earth. The snail wheel shape is also really cute.

2. 1873
3. Kansas City, Missouri
4. Public
5.Not listed
6. The architect wanted to illustrate the beauty of some very popular novels and capture the purpose of a library.
7. I like this building a lot because I love books. I want to visit this library because it is adorable. This is a really creative way to attract readers into the library and encourage visitors. I like how some classic stories are displayed around the sides so readers can see something they are familiar with. 

Sensory Overload

1. I agree with the quote. It makes me feel defined by my camera and more connected to it. It helps me think of more inspiration for shoots.
2.  A lot of the places looked really weird but I liked the bright colors and flowers.
3.  It would be a lot of fun to be a child here because there is lots to look at, touch, and bright colors.
4.  My favorite photo from this album is of a hunched over women surrounded by plumes of a multicolored variety of flowers.

Friday, March 4, 2016

Action Shots

  1. The way the action was frozen perfectly and how it was taken before the oath started reacting makes this picture a great photo and illustrates the surprise of the action.
  2. The shutter speed would have to be high to freeze the movement of the water.
  3. This is a key moment. Yes, this could have been planned, but it is not probable. 
  4. The framing and the ability to avoid getting water on the camera are advanced in this photo.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch #4

The Bensons inspire others on campus. Mr. Benson speaks to youth across the nation about his troubled childhood and inspires them to power through their current situation. Mrs. Benson is the coach of several teams and inspires her athletes to have integrity and work hard.
Who: The Bensons
What: They motivate and educate students and athletes
When: Reoccuring
Where: Bowie and student camps
Why: To help others, out of generosity
How: With uplifting advice and relaxed attitudes
Quoted: Amber Lotz, Kacy Benson, Vickie Benson, Kianna Ray, Jamie Lankes,
Strongest Quote: "Reflecting on his past, I walkways have snacks in my office because of a story he tells about wen he didn't have any food at home." -Vickie Benson
Intro sentence: Yes, the intro sentence made me want to keep reading because it is interesting and I have heard him speak dozens of times, and even spoken on stage with him once.
Conclusion: Quote

Front Page: 
Incentives will now be offered if certain students meet the requirements. These incentives include painted parking spots for seniors and off-periods. Although many students think the incentives were created for the school to make more money and will be problematic, the motivation can improve the school's attendance rates and grades.
Who: Bowie students
What: incentives are now offered to students with good attendance
When: starting this spring
Why: to boost attendance rates
Where: Bowie and AISD
How: some students do not like the new policies, but the incentives can give students motivation to attend school
Quoted: Grace Little, Madison Little, Mason Kendrick, Ruth Widner, Lauryn Kendrick
Best quote: "We are simply trying to help students want to come to school" -Ruth Widner
Intro: The introduction sentence accurately summarizes the article but is not interesting.
Conclusion: Quote
Student Life:
Mikaela Lyles makes vines about relatable teenage problems. Many students enjoy watching vine videos for entertainment. Lyles loves making funny videos that many students campus enjoy watching.
Who: Mikaela Lyles
What: Makes vine videos
Where: At her house and other locations
Why: She likes to entertain people and make them laugh
When: Now
How: She spreads her jokes using social media videos
Quoted: Mikaela Lyles, Bryan Feamster, Vicki Hebert, Sahaj Mann, Samantha Jimenez
Best Quote: "Try it out, and you'll love it like I do." -Lyles
Intro: The intro sentence is interesting but doesn't really make me want to read on because the article isn't really interesting to me.
Conclusion: statement
Main Story:
The STC performed the musical Tarzan. Students in all 4 greased were able to perform and hundreds of people cam rout to watch. The STC spent months preparing and rehearsing.
Who: The Starlight Theater Company
What: The school musical
When: The past 3 months
Why: to share their passion and talent
How: With help of directors, teachers, and talent.
Quoted: Erynn Northcutt, Emma Hashcke, Jackson Walker, Austin Hyde, Juliana Davis, Maddy Sparkes, Paige Bradbury, Betsy Cornwell
Best Quote: "This show has really shown me  what hard work is,  and I have worked so hard. It's amazing to see the rewards of this."
Intro:The intro hooked me because I went and saw Tarzan and want to read more.
The JBHSOPE is going to nationals this year. This requires heavy planning and financial sacrifice. Students and directors have been working very hard to prepare the band for the competition.
Who: James Bowie HS Outdoor Performing Ensemble
What: are competing in the national competition
Why: They are good and want to win
Where: Indianapolis
When: November 2016
How: They are traveling with a company that arranges trips with large student groups
Quoted: Kim Shuttlesworth, Caroline Garcia, Adam Dinkins, Maya Webb, Allison Yetter
Best Quote: "It's such a beautiful thing to be apart of this production" -Allison Yetter
Intro: The introduction accurately summarizes the article and draws in the reader's attention
Conclusion: quote
The new attendance policy has many pro's and con's. Some students think that it will motivate them to attend school and improve attendance rates. others believe it is an act for money and will cause many confusion. Some say the plan is not very well thought out.
Who: Bowie students
When: starting now
Why: attendance rates are poor
What: incentives are offered to students with good attendance
Where: Bowie and AISD
How: attendance will be monitered
Quoted: None
Best Quote: none
Intro: the introductions are interesting enough to pull the reader in
Conclusion: statement
The Bowie Steel Drum Ensemble has been performing for per 18 years. They perform in clinics and concerts. They travelled to San Antonio for the PASIC convention.
Who: Bowie Steel Drum Ensemble
What: Went to the PASIC Convention
When: This year
Where: San Antonio, Bowie
Why: The founder had connections
How: They practice in class
Quoted:Amy Suggs, Crosby Lagrone, Jake Wohleb
Best Quote: "They're really lucky to have been given such a great opportunity" -Crosby Lagrone
Intro: No, the introduction is boring.
Conclusion: Quote

My favorite photo is the pageant picture because they have a nice landscape. Siplicity and ule of thirds are evident.

My least favorite photo in the paper is the silver stars one because the background is blurry.

Overall, the photography in this issue is strong. Most of the pictures are in focus, relevant, creative, and show the rules of composition.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Front Pages of the World

  1. My favorite newspaper front cover is The Guardian of Lady Gaga's tribute to David Bowie at the Grammys because the picture is really unique and I enjoyed watching the performance Monday night. 
  2. "Facebook is like taking home a heckler" is my favorite headline because it is funny and a really interesting and accurate way to view the social media. 
  3. There are 6 stories mentioned on the front cover. 
  4. I noticed that there is a main photo /story, the newspaper title, and several other captions/story teasers on the front page. The newspaper is mostly text.
  5. The layout of the spread, amount of photos, number of stories, theme of stories, fonts, text sizes, and colors vary between each newspaper.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Extra Credit

This website, DIY Photography, is all about the How-To's and How-They-Were-Made articles and videos about film and photography. There are articles about photographers and directors who have broken barriers and experimented with new ways to shoot a scene. Included are special tutorials on how to make specific effects on editing software, like Photoshop. An average viewer can learn ways to improve their photography without breaking the bank. This website is good for professionals as well as beginners alike. I would recommend this website to anyone wanting to learn more about taking pictures, videos, and editing. There are tabs on the website that lead to inspiration, equipment, and tutorials. In the gear section, a reader can learn about new gear and inexpensive gear. Good places to buy equipment and how to buy it without spending a lot of money are explained in those articles. I like how the website gives advice about cheap equipment because I do not want to overpay for my equipment. The inspiration section features incredible photos that can get the reader excited about shooting. In addition to the pictures, there are interesting articles about the photographers and how they shot the photos that are shown on the photo album. There are links to all of their social media accounts which is good advertising. They also have short tips on their social medias and they post links to their blogs. I give this a 5 rating because it is really interesting and useful.

I can't copy/paste the picture itself because it is a different type of file, but they have a 360 interactive image of the Super Bowl posted in the inspiration section on their website. I was able to zoom in and out and all around the stadium. It simulated actually being at the super bowl. The scene the picture was taken during was the opening ceremony, where Lady Gaga gave an amazing performance of our nation's National Anthem while soldiers held the flag and the audience he'd their hands to their hearts. I think it is a really creative way to display an event and I would be interested in learning how they did it. The same technique could be used to capture a concert or any other type of stadium ever where interesting things are happening all around. I think the is probably one of the coolest and most fun things on their website.

My YearBook Spread

Monday, January 25, 2016


  1. The title of my book is "Lucky Bag 2006"
  2. This yearbook is from the United States Naval Academy 
  3. The format of the pages and the colors are the same throughout the book.
  4. There are 27 sections.
  5. My favorite spread is the 2/C summer spread because it has beautiful pictures of the Hawaiian summer.
  6. Yes, there is an index in my book.
  7. Yes, there are photos of groups/organizations.
  8. Yes, there is a table of contents.
  9. This is a college book and does not say how many people attend it.
  10. This book is from Hawaii.

25 Things: 
  1. The school name should be on the cover
  2. The number of students attending should be in the book somewhere
  3. an index with every student's name
  4. an overall theme of the book
  5. The pages numbered.
  6. headlines on every page.
  7. a section with a head shot of every student
  8. a spread for every major campus organization
  9. section of head shots of staff
  10. a caption for every picture
  11. a section dedicated to each class
  12. student's personal stories/events
  13. advertisements
  14. catchy titles
  15. varying page formats
  16. photo credits
  17. school motto
  18. spread/credit for yearbook team
  19. blank pages for signatures
  20. title pages dividing each major section
  21. similar color schemes on each page

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Magazine Review 3

  1. Buttery Biscuits Weekly by Harrison L.
  2. I think the captions are interesting and the titles are comical.
  3. I think the photographer should have tried to take unique pictures and make his more interesting.
  4. I just clicked on a random blog, but the text is easy to read.
  5. Yes, there are appropriate bar codes.
  6. I would probably not pick up this magazine because the titles do not appeal to my interests.
  7. I can tell the buttery biscuits weekly is a self-portrait because his arms are showing. 

Magazine Review 2

  1. Puns of Food and HCH Mag by Hannah Hall 
  2. I like the simplicity and the title placement.
  3. I think the creator should make her titles (the ones in black) 
  4. The simplicity and the bold text attracted my eyes.
  5. Yes, there are appropriate bar codes.
  6. I would probably look at the HCH magazine because I am interested in those topics.
  7. I can tell which is a self portrait because of the angling of the food picture that is hard to create in a self portrait and the simplicity of the actual self-portrait.

Magazine Review 1

  1. Interview by Alexa
  2. I like the portraits and the color schemes.
  3. The creator should make the background less distracting.
  4. I just clicked a random blog- but the covers attract my eyes because they are so busy.
  5. Yes, there are appropriate barcodes.
  6. Probably not- because ht photo displays that the magazine would be about camping and I do not necessarily care to buy a magazine about those kinds of topics.
  7. I can tell which is a portrait and which is a self-portrait because I can assume by the name that the creator is a girl. 

Prompt Shoot Peer Review

  1. I like the "end" picture because the leading lines make the images interesting to look at. The prompt isn't very well executed, but the image itself is good. 
  2. I don't really like the paw print picture because it is pretty bland and doesn't show any elements of composition. The idea is creative, but the photographer should have thought of a better way to capture it. 
  3. They're pictures are focused and exposed properly. They're images are overall composed well with use of the rules.
  4. This person could make their images more creative and interesting.
  5. I think they best portrayed the pause prompt.
  6. I think they're connected picture does not effectively display the prompt.

Prompt Shoot

 8 x 10

5 x 7

4 x 6


Saturday, January 16, 2016


This is my favorite picture because I was there and witnessed it myself. My mom and I went with the Bowie Band and Color Guard when they performed in the London New Years Day Parade. It was the best week of my life and I want to go back to London someday. We spent a week there doing pretty much everything there is to do- from touring Saint Paul's Cathedral to shopping on Oxford Street. On NYE, my mom an I sat across from our hotel across the lake from Big Ben and watched the fireworks as they welcomed 2015. 

I like this picture because I really would like to visit Santorini and the other beautiful islands of Greece. The colors and cultures of Greece are so vibrant and this image captures it beautifully. When I see this picture, I can imagine myself standing here and witnessing the beauty of the islands, and it makes me want to travel there even more. 

I like this picture because of the way the rules of composition are applied to contribute to the overall mood and tone of the image. The events this photo was taken from, the terrorist attacks by ISIS, are reflected by the mournful and tragic appearances in the image. I would really like to visit Paris one day to witness one of the world's most famous architectural feats. 

My favorite song of 2015 was Aquaman by Walk the Moon. I saw it performed live in May with some of my best friends and it was one of the best concert I've ever been to. I took this image during Aquaman, and it captures the mood and excitement of the night. Everyone was full of energy and I was able to interact with the band because I was second row. The bassist told everyone to put our arms in the air and wave and snap them like seaweed. It was a magical experience I will never forget with one of my favorite bands. 

My favorite movie of 2015 was DUFF. I saw it with my two best friends. The movie itself was okay, but it was a funny feel good movie that I had a great time seeing with my friends. I don't watch a lot of movies, but my other favorite movie from 2015 was the martian because of the way they incorporate scientific facts into the plot, and it also motivated me to complete my science fair project. This picture is of the protagonist and the love interest, and it is a big moment in the plot. 

I think the most important news stories of 2015 were the police shootings. I think gun violence should be better controlled and that guns should not be pulled by officers because of suspicion. Most of the dead on the news are young people, some even 12 years old, and it makes me sad to think about how our nation needs to repair its mindset in order to protect its citizens.

I think the most important person of 2015 was Zendaya Coleman. She is a 19 year old actress who rose in the media as a strong feminist and activist. She did only positive actions, broadened her career, broke barriers for women of color, and was named one of the celebrity feminists of the year. 

I think the entertainment person of 2015 was twenty one pilots. These musicians became huge hits with their new album blurry face, and help spread awareness about the real pain of mental health issues and gave teens and adults everywhere an outlet for their pain and a way to connect with people. They performed at the VMAs and many other credible and anticipated award shows. 

My New years resolution is to improve my grades and health. I want to sleep more and spend more time focusing on my happiness and stress levels. 

I will remember meeting my sister's boyfriend and his younger brother from this winter break. They were both so much fun and we all spent a lot of time together seeing movies, going bowling, and shopping downtown. 

I'm looking forward to a lot of concerts and getting my driver's license in 2016.